Man with army jacket working as chemist.

Lewis Loflin Designs Industrial Training Program in Electricity and Electronics

by Lewis Loflin

See Who is Lewis Loflin below.

CBI Develops Customized, Non-Credit Certificate in Electricity for Scholle Corporation (Chilhowie, Virginia) Maintenance Department.

The Center for Business and Industry at Virginia Highlands Community College. From June 2009 CBI Newsletter.

Non-Credit Certificate in Electricity 48 hours of instruction = 4.8 CEUs.

On Tuesday afternoons this summer, you'll find the maintenance staff at Scholle Corporation, not on the floor of this Smyth County manufacturing facility but in an onsite classroom.

A Virginia Community College System grant has enabled CBI to develop a customized Non-Credit Certificate in Electricity for seven of Scholle's maintenance staff.

CBI called on adjunct instructor Lewis Loflin to develop and teach the six classes in this non-credit program. Course topics include Electronics Theory and Ohm's Law, AC/DC Theory, Electrical Schematics, Semiconductors, and Electrical Motors. Classes are scheduled in three-hour blocks each Tuesday afternoon for two different shifts.

We were very excited when CBI approached us about the opportunity to apply for these grant funds," said Scholle Technical Manager Jim Copenhaver.

"To remain competitive as a manufacturer, we must create the best-skilled employees possible at all levels of the organization. When people think of the most skilled maintenance personnel, my goal is for our maintenance group at Scholle Corporation, Chilhowie, to be the ones that first come to mind. Scholle's commitment and CBI's commitment to creating and providing the resources make this possible."

Speaking for his fellow students, Scholle employee Wiley Prater commented, "This course has given me a greater understanding of AC/DC motor controls, PLCs, Ohms Law, and Lewis is a good instructor."

Electronics Theory/Ohms Law class 10 hours of instruction

AC/DC Theory class 10 hours of instruction

Electrical Schematics/Symbols class 6 hours of instruction

Semiconductors class 12 hours of instruction

Electrical Motors class 6 hours of instruction

NEC and Safety class 4 hours of instruction

Lewis Loflin science fair project 1977.
Lewis Loflin science fair project 1977.

Who is Lewis Loflin?

by GROK the X AI

Answer: Lewis Loflin appears to have diverse interests and contributions, particularly in electronics and technology, and as an author or commentator on various topics, including science, religion, and politics. Here's a detailed look based on the information available as of October 16, 2024.

Professional Background and Hobbies: Lewis Loflin has over 50 years of experience in electronics, transitioning from vacuum tubes to modern solid-state and industrial controls. He runs a website where he shares his knowledge of electronics, focusing on hobbyist projects involving microcontrollers like Arduino, PICAXE, and Microchip and detailed explorations of components such as optocouplers, H-bridges, and various sensors. His YouTube channel features over 200 videos on electronics projects, indicating a strong commitment to educational content in electronics.

Lewis Loflin has a military history. According to his online biography, he served in the U.S. Army, graduating in 1978 at the top of his class at Fort Devens, Massachusetts. His electronics training focused on RF (Radio Frequency), and during this time, he was also exposed to early microprocessors and classified military computers. His military occupational specialty was 33S, which involved working as an intercept systems technician. He held a top-secret SI clearance. His duty station included West Berlin.

After leaving the military, Lewis Loflin graduated from Northeast State Technical Community College in 1997 with dual degrees in computer information systems and parallel university studies. He earlier left King College, now King University, due to financial hardship.

Lewis Loflin has a background in science and electronics. His interest began with geology and Earth science and led to electronics technology. His education includes a year each of physics, chemistry, and biology, along with programming languages like C, C++, Pascal, and assembly. He describes himself as an "applied technologist," combining his interest in applied science with electronics to build practical projects.

Publications and Discussions: He has written or been involved in discussions about subjects like dark matter and historical religious figures like Paul and has participated in discussions critiquing religious narratives. He has also engaged in conversations about religion, as seen in his participation in a podcast discussing how religion might be misused. He has written or been referenced in discussions about religious topics, like the role of Paul in founding Christianity. His work in this area critically examines historical and spiritual narratives.

Personal Background: Lewis Loflin has roots in Bristol, Virginia, and has been active online for over 20 years, covering subjects like science, history, religion, and education on his website. His interest in electronics seems to stem from a general interest in science, leading to a career in electronics technology.

Lewis Loflin is known for his contributions to electronics, mainly through his work as an educator, author, and content creator. Here is a detailed overview based on available information:

Career: He has been a part-time adjunct professor at a local community college, teaching electricity and electronics. His professional experience also includes working with RF (radio frequency) electronics, early microprocessors, and various computing platforms, such as the KIM-1 and Apple IIe.

Content Creator: He maintains a presence on YouTube, where his channel focuses primarily on electronics projects. His videos and website cover a wide range of topics for both advanced and beginner hobbyists, including microcontroller projects using Arduino, PIC, and Raspberry Pi.

Educational Content: Loflin's website and YouTube channel offer numerous tutorials, project guides, and educational resources on electronics. His projects often involve Arduino and other microcontrollers, providing theoretical and practical knowledge. He shares his approach to learning the basics, finding working examples, and innovating.

Philosophy and Teaching Style: His teaching philosophy emphasizes learning through doing, advocating for understanding the basics before moving to more complex projects. He also shares insights on science, technology, and sometimes controversial topics like climate science from a critical perspective, emphasizing the importance of applied science over what he perceives as political agendas in science.

Publications and Online Presence: Besides his YouTube channel and personal websites, Loflin has written articles and participated in discussions on various platforms, including topics beyond electronics, like religion and science skepticism.

Lewis Loflin's work in electronics education has been notable for its practical approach, broad coverage, and the sharing of extensive personal experience in the field, making him a recognizable name in the hobbyist and educational electronics community.

The above material credit GROK the X AI with additions by Lewis Loflin.

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I've been a part-time adjunct professor at a local community college teaching electricity and electronics.

Today I do this for the shear love of electronics.

I have 45 years experience in electronics, from vacuum tubes to modern solid state and industrial controls. I tend to teach from a general science viewpoint.

Some sample projects. New 7/15/2024 on my electronics website.

Previous videos:

Arduino CCS H-Bridge with Large DC Motor

Program Code Arduino CCS H-Bridge Motor Control

Arduino Battery Charger uses CCS and TL431 Comparators

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